Erectile dysfunction Treatment & ED
You don't have to accept unreliable erections as "part of aging".

What is the best treatment for ED?
What is the best treatment for ED?
The most effective ED treatment is generally a combination of bioidentical hormone replacement or testosterone replacement, PRF, and medication like Cialis or supplements.
ED has more than one cause, so we have more than one treatment.
Increased sensitivity for more pleasure
Easier erections
Longer-lasting erections
Better erection quality

ED treatment in Naples, Traverse City & Petoskey
Gain confidence in your erections again.
Erection changes are a normal part of the aging process, but they profoundly affect a man’s confidence both in and outside the bedroom. Slowly declining erection function isn’t only about intercourse – it affects many aspects of self-perception, relationships with sex partners, and how “old” or how “healthy” men feel overall.

Does testosterone replacement help with erectile dysfunction?
Yes and not surprisingly, testosterone replacement is one of the best ways to boost erection function. Bioidentical Testosterone Replacement is the foundation of RegenCen's anti-aging treatment program. Testosterone levels slowly decline after the 20’s, and a lot of other things decline with it: strength, muscle mass, energy, and… erections. Low T weakens all aspects of erections, from how often and how easily they occur to the size and strength of erections. Boosting low testosterone levels improves erections in complex physiologic ways. Not only does testosterone increase sex drive, it also boosts nerve signals to the penis to increase blood flow and sensation. Testosterone replacement for ED is a very successful - about 2/3 of men see good improvement in erections with testosterone replacement. But as with most regenerative treatments, treating ED with two or more therapies gives the best results.
How does the E² Shot work?
After a quick in office blood draw, your platelet rich fibrin is prepared. Then the penis is numbed and the PRF is injected which releases growth factors. These injections cause:
- Increased penile blood flow response
- New blood vessel growth
- Improved sensation, leading to easier orgasms
- Larger, longer lasting erections
- Enhanced rigidity and penile girth
- Reliable, full erections and increased sexual confidence and sex drive
Most men notice results in about 2-4 weeks. Results last 6-12 months.
What is the best medication for ED?
Cialis or Tidalafil is one of the best prescription medications for ED. Many of our patients get good erectile improvement with simple regenerative treatments and are able to avoid medication and the side effects entirely.
But because ED has many causes, we have many treatments. Our comprehensive ED program supplements those treatments with conventional and unconventional medications, supplements, vacuum assist devices, and other techniques. Our success rate with nonsurgical ED is high - more than 90% of our ED clients report very good or better improvement after the recommended treatment protocol.
Erectile dysfunction is common in men of all ages.
Erectile dysfunction (ED) affects millions of men in the United States. Many men are embarrassed by the changes to their sexual health and responsiveness, but these issues are a natural occurrence. In fact, the prevalence of ED scales with age, and virtually every man has progressively less erection function beyond their 30s.
Tissues in your penis have balloon-like capabilities: they inflate with increased blood flow during erections, then deflate as the flow reverses. As you age, this “ballooning” effect slowly weakens due to changes in blood vessels which impact the flow. Erections lose rigidity and volume, in turn reducing sensitivity and size, making it tougher to climax, reducing the intensity of orgasms, and sometimes even shrinking the size of full erections.
Most common erectile dysfunction causes
Most common erectile dysfunction causes
Low T, blood flow obstruction, underlying medical conditions, and medication side effects are all common ED causes. Age is the most common cause of erectile dysfunction.
Erections depend on blood vessels acting as valves leading to and from the penis. As men age, this valve-like function deteriorates, so rigidity and reliability of erections slowly declines, starting in the 20s. Testosterone also declines as men age, and this reduces erection function as well. Because of this, some decline in erection function happens to all men as they get older.

Erectile dysfunction treatment
Although drug treatments like Viagra and Cialis can help, they don’t work in all cases, and become less effective with time. Modern regenerative treatments gives today’s men more options for treating erectile dysfunction.
At our offices in Michigan and Florida, we are experts in PRF. More recent medical studies showed an even better result using PRF and we coined the term the “E² Shot.”
In addition to enhanced erection function, increased penile length and girth are a goal for many clients. For increased penile size, our treatment program includes a series of 3 injections spaced 4-6 weeks apart, as well as other treatment modalities.
Best treatment for erectile dysfunction?
There is no single best treatment. It all depends upon what you're willing to try, whether there are any side effects, and whether or not it works for you. Medications like Viagra and Cialis are the most common treatments, but many, many men avoid them due to side effects, lack of spontaneity, or interactions with other medications. Since the vast majority of ED is a natural consequence of aging, anti-aging solutions such as testosterone replacement are very successful.
The E² Shot for Erectile Health
A Step-by-Step Guide
There is very little preparation needed for The E² Shot. You will have a consultation with Dr. Lo in one of our offices in Michigan or Florida to make sure that the treatment is right for you. He’ll discuss your health history, so bring a list of current medications and conditions you're being treated for.
Is medication the best treatment for erectile dysfunction?
Most men with ED try medication first, and many find it to be ineffective for them, or undesirable for a variety of reasons: side effects, difficulties timing the dose properly, or simply wanting to avoid drugs. The E² shot is a great alternative for ED when medications haven’t worked or are undesirable for other reasons. Dr. Gustav Lo treated ED for 30 years in his primary care practice and understands medications like Cialis may need to be included in ED treatment.Testosterone replacement also has a high success rate for men with low T. Replacing testosterone to more youthful levels also has an effect no other treatment can claim: improved libido.