What are the side effects of hormone therapy, and can they be avoided?

Bioidentical hormone treatments have gained significant popularity — and for good reason. If you’re one of the millions of people feeling the effects of getting older, you may be wondering if hormone replacement therapy (HRT) is right for you and what potential side effects to expect. You might have heard bioidentical hormones (BHT) can help…

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How to reverse menopause belly and weight gain

Something frustrating happens to most women when they hit menopause: the mid-section weight gain. Or as we often hear it called, the dreaded menopausal belt. Until recently, one of the only options for targeting this middle-aged weight would have been liposuction, but modern prescription weight loss has changed the game for women who want to…

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Ask Dr. Lo: semaglutide

How does semaglutide work? What makes it safer than its prescription weight loss predecessors? In the past, the most effective weight loss drugs were amphetamine-based diet pills (“speed,” phentermine and others). As you would expect, they dramatically suppressed appetite and gave people a very energetic, euphoric effect. But almost nobody keeps weight off after taking those drugs, and they…

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Why is weight loss after 40 so hard?

Discover revolutionary treatments to help banish your middle-aged bulge If it feels like losing weight just gets harder and harder, especially once you hit 40, it’s not just you. While it’s natural for our bodies to undergo changes over time, multiple factors make weight loss more difficult in our middle-aged years. It’s a struggle to…

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The Menopause Survival Kit: Essentials for Every Woman

Courtney Lo, PA and Founder of RegenCen

Women Have Been Misled About Menopause: The truth about perimenopause and menopause   Hot flashes. Sleepless nights. Mood swings. Irregular vaginal bleeding. Painful intercourse.  During your 30s, 40s, and 50s, many women experience a range of these physical and emotional changes. Menopause, and the time surrounding it, can make you feel crazy — like your…

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5 Reasons Testosterone Replacement Therapy is a Game Changer for Men

And why the normal testosterone range is a big lie Amidst the hustle and bustle of life’s responsibilities, it’s easy to overlook a silent but significant factor that plays a crucial role in both how you feel every day AND your overall health — testosterone.  This mighty hormone not only affects muscles and libido, but…

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Extend Your Healthspan With Bioidentical Hormones

Bioidentical hormones at RegenCen

Everything You’ve Ever Wanted To Know About Bioidentical Hormone Therapy   Imagine having the vitality and energy of your younger years as you age into your 50s, 60s, 70s and beyond.  Does it feel a bit impossible right now? Like you’re in a constant battle with mood swings, weight gain, poor sleep and low energy…

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