The stem cell alternative
PRF injections relieve arthritic pain, tendinitis, plantar fasciitis and more.
“PRF and PRP alleviate pain from arthritis or tendonitis like a steroid injection, but without the side effects, and PRF results last much longer – a year or more of pain-free living.”
– Dr. Gustav Lo, MD

The pain relief of a cortisone shot without the negative side effects & longer lasting results.
The pain relief of a cortisone shot, but with no negative side effects and longer lasting results.
Dread the pain of a handshake? Knees stiff? Hard to walk up stairs? Practically any arthritic joint, inflamed tendon, or other connective tissue can respond to platelet-rich fibrin therapy (PRF) or platelet-rich plasma (PRP). The Mobility Shot is our brand name for PRF injections. It uses all-natural PRF (the second generation PRP) from your own blood cells to to relieve arthritic pain, joint stiffness, chronic tendonitis, bursitis, plantar fasciitis or other soft tissue inflammation.
Cortisone shots or steroid shots give almost immediate pain relief for many but repeated cortisone injections have negative side effects. PRF injections usually give the same relief and PRF injection results last longer than cortisone shots or PRP injections.
PRF and PRP aren’t just for joints: orthopedists have injected it successfully in many types of soft tissue injuries, from tennis elbow to plantar fasciitis and rotator cuff strain – there really isn’t a joint, tendon, or ligament where PRF (or its earlier, less effective cousin, PRP) hasn’t been studied and shown to relieve arthritic pain (we’ve even seen results when it’s bone on bone and surgery isn’t an option). Dr. Gustav Lo has been offering platelet therapy for many years and has treated thousands of arthritic joints and chronic tendonitis.
PRF injections relieve pain for up to a year or more. And range of motion is much improved as well!
We can discuss your specific areas at your complimentary consultation.
Pickleball, anyone?
Be more active than ever - and keep it that way!
RegenCen’s regenerative PRF injections fix overuse injuries like tendinitis, arthritis, and plantar fasciitis – the worst enemies of active adults staying competitive and fit. “Five years ago, pickleball wasn’t even something on the radar, but now injuries from it are common,” says Dr. Lo.
“PRF is a great solution.”
Unlike cortisone shots, PRF reactivates dormant cells in joints and tendons, recruiting stem cells to the injured area. Research shows PRF works as well as steroids for pain, and lasts longer. But HOW it works is just as important.
“PRF actually builds new cartilage in joints and repairs tendinitis with new tissue, which pills and steroids can’t do. It’s true tissue regeneration.”
– Dr. Gustav Lo, RegenCen Founder & Medical Director
Aging or injury – we can help range of motion and pain.
Joints or tendons
nearly anywhere on the body
Natural healing treatment for osteoarthritis
Longer-lasting than steroid shots
with no side effects
The PRF Mobility Shot – Stem Cell Shot alternative
You don’t have to live
with pain.
At RegenCen, we’re committed to helping you live better and enjoy your hobbies without pain. Whether you struggle to stand without stiffness, or wince in pain whenever you squeeze a doorknob or swing a golf club, practically any arthritic joint (wrist, hand, knee, shoulder, hip, and foot), inflamed tendon, or other connective tissue can respond to platelet-rich fibrin therapy (PRF). The Mobility Shot uses all-natural PRF from your own blood cells to restore joint and tendon function, heal damaged tissue and reduce pain. And this effective treatment is available in Petoskey, Traverse City, and Naples by Dr. Gustav Lo and our Physician Associates.

What are PRF injections?
PRF (platelet-rich fibrin) is a product of your own blood – we simply draw your blood and separate the platelets and fibrin in a centrifuge. The platelets are full of growth factors and other cell-stimulating proteins; the fibrin holds the platelets in the area injected while they slowly release those growth factors.
The growth factors released by PRF attract stem cells (which grow into brand new cartilage and connective tissue) and fibroblasts (which produce more collagen for cushioning and elastin for flexibility). There is also an anti-inflammatory effect that works quickly, and a slower increase in blood supply to the area.
The most common joints injected with PRF are knees and hips, and there’s been an uptick in visits for hand pain – using a smartphone or tablet requires repetitive motions that put stress on the joints and tendons in our fingers and wrists – especially the “texting thumb.”
PRF can be a tremendous relief to this frustrating daily pain.
Recent research shows PRF (platelet-rich fibrin) injections alleviate arthritis pain as well as steroid injections, but in a much different way that actually rejuvenates the cartilage and other joint tissues, rather than causing further breakdown. And the results last a lot longer, often a full year or more.

At RegenCen, we’re committed to
getting you pain free.
Practically anyone over 40 may find their joints (especially in the knees, hips, hands, and feet) become increasingly stiff and painful with activity, or for no reason at all! Tissue inflammation, joint pain, and general age-related wear and tear are common issues in adults of all ages.
The Mobility Shot treats:
- Tennis Elbow
- Golfer’s Elbow
- Bursitis
- Tendonitis in the thumbs and hands
- RSI (repeat stress injuries) in the hands
- Plantar fasciitis (“heels spurs” in the feet)
- Arthritis (osteoarthritis) of all limb joints
PRF and PRP for Joints and Mobility
A Step-by-Step Guide
Unlike stem cell therapy, there is very little preparation needed for a PRF or PRP Mobility Shot. You will have a consultation with Dr. Lo or one of our Physician Associates in our RegenCen clinic in Petoskey, Traverse City, or Naples to make sure regenerative platelet therapy is appropriate for your condition(s). PRF and PRP injections are not advised in joints that have been replaced but we have successfully treated joints that are “bone on bone” – a term often used by orthopedists to describe joints that don’t respond to surgical treatment for arthritis. Your health history will be reviewed, so bring a list of your current medical conditions and medications. And we encourage you to bring reports of any previous X-rays or MRIs to your appointment.