Men’s Sexual Health
Extend Your Healthspan with Bioidentical Hormones in Wellington, FL
Everything You Need to Know About Bioidentical Hormone Therapy Imagine maintaining the vitality and energy of your younger years well into your 50s, 60s, 70s, and beyond. Does that seem impossible? Do you find yourself battling mood swings, unexpected weight gain, restless nights, or persistent fatigue? Perhaps you’ve noticed a gradual decline in stamina and…
Continue Reading5 Reasons Testosterone Replacement Therapy is a Game Changer for Men
And why the normal testosterone range is a big lie Amidst the hustle and bustle of life’s responsibilities, it’s easy to overlook a silent but significant factor that plays a crucial role in both how you feel every day AND your overall health — testosterone. This mighty hormone not only affects muscles and libido, but…
Continue ReadingExtend Your Healthspan With Bioidentical Hormones
Everything You’ve Ever Wanted To Know About Bioidentical Hormone Therapy Imagine having the vitality and energy of your younger years as you age into your 50s, 60s, 70s and beyond. Does it feel a bit impossible right now? Like you’re in a constant battle with mood swings, weight gain, poor sleep and low energy…
Continue ReadingThe Top 5 Regenerative Treatments at RegenCen
Dr. Gustav Lo on the top 5 treatments at his regenerative medical practice: 1. Bioidentical hormone replacement therapy Hands down, bioidentical hormones are the foundation of regenerative medicine. Our hormone levels drop with age. By 55, testosterone is about half what is was in men in their 20s; it’s even worse in women –…
Continue ReadingTestosterone Replacement for Men
Tiredness. More naps. Lower libido. Less “get up and go.” These are men’s most typical complaints of aging. The funny thing is, they aren’t necessarily from getting older – many are due to declining testosterone or “low T”. It’s not just low testosterone that causes men to feel lousy. DHEA, pregnenalone, and reduced thyroid function…
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