Extend Your Healthspan with Bioidentical Hormones in Wellington, FL

Everything You Need to Know About Bioidentical Hormone Therapy Imagine maintaining the vitality and energy of your younger years well into your 50s, 60s, 70s, and beyond. Does that seem impossible? Do you find yourself battling mood swings, unexpected weight gain, restless nights, or persistent fatigue? Perhaps you’ve noticed a gradual decline in stamina and…

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MorpheusV Vaginal Rejuvenation: It’s Changing the Game

bladder control

Are you tired of feeling uncomfortable or embarrassed due to vaginal changes as you age? Leaking. Dryness. Painful intercourse. Irritation.   This doesn’t have to be your new normal! Studies have shown that changes in vaginal health impact women’s daily quality of life and sex lives. Fortunately, at our Regenerative Medical Center, RegenCen, we offer…

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The Top 5 Regenerative Treatments at RegenCen

Dr. Gustav Lo on the top 5 treatments at his regenerative medical practice:   1. Bioidentical hormone replacement therapy Hands down, bioidentical hormones are the foundation of regenerative medicine. Our hormone levels drop with age. By 55, testosterone is about half what is was in men in their 20s; it’s even worse in women –…

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Testosterone Replacement Therapy for Women

Uptick in Vaginal Rejuvenation

When women are considering bioidentical hormone repellent therapy (BHRT), they naturally think of estrogen – I mean, it’s THE female hormone, right? Well, not exactly… Why do women take testosterone replacement? In women after menopause, both estrogen and testosterone levels are much lower than “young normal” hormone levels, and both are important to maintaining health…

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The Advancements in Vaginal Rejuvenation

Uptick in Vaginal Rejuvenation

Courtney Lo, PA and RegenCen Founder, on vaginal rejuvenation: What is vaginal rejuvenation and why now? In about 2017 regenerative vaginal rejuvenation treatments made their splash. Until then, there weren’t restorative treatments for the vagina – they even took us by surprise! But what surprised us more were the number of our peri- and postmenopausal…

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Estrogen 101

Estrogen 101

About Estrogen By: Courtney Lo, PA, Founder Estrogen and Safety When we’re talking about hormone replacement, the biggest one we think of is estrogen. Everyone seems to know that term but honestly I think most women are confused when they hear it… Is it a good or a bad thing? Understandably because estrogen replacement got…

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Trending: Feminine Rejuvenation

trending: feminine rejuvenation

What exactly is it? In polite language, vague terms like “feminine rejuvenation” really just mean improving or reversing pelvic problems that occur with women throughout life. The medical reality is that difficulties with vaginal function, sexual health, and bladder control affect almost all women at some point. Really? Almost all women? Absolutely. Any woman who’s…

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Percentage of Women with Vaginal Dryness

feminine rejuvenation

Vaginal dryness is surprisingly common at all ages. About 20% of women over 18 have dryness, about 30% suffer through it during the perimenopausal years and most women have dryness after menopause. And it’s not just during intercourse – it can be uncomfortable – irritated, dry, painful all the time like arthritis or other aging…

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The Tragedy of Women’s Hormone Replacement: A Q&A with Dr. Gustav Lo, MD, Serving Bloomfield Hills and Birmingham, Michigan

Q: Why aren’t more women in Bloomfield Hills treated with hormone replacement for menopause? A: I’ll tell you exactly why, and it’s a story that’s impacted countless women, including many right here in Bloomfield Hills and Birmingham, Michigan. Back in the 80s, I was in med school when treating menopause with hormone replacement therapy (HRT)…

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The most common problem you’ve never heard of: GSM

GSM (genitourinary syndrome of menopause) affects women after menopause as the pelvic structures weaken with lost estrogen. Estrogen maintains healthy vaginal membranes, pelvic floors, and bladders. With estrogen gone, those tissues weaken and lose their normal function, leading to dryness, irritation, difficult or painful sex, and low sex drive. Vaginal problems plus weakening of the…

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