Introducing RegenCen – The Growth of Regenerative Treatments in Traverse City and Petoskey

When Dr. Gustav Lo, MD left his primary care/urgent care practice of 30 years, he didn’t wonder what to do next. “We had just transitioned the clinics to McLaren, but I was still eager to continue practicing medicine,” he recalls. “We immediately got to work on our RegenCen plan.”

RegenCen isn’t primary care. It’s a new regenerative medical practice within both Cosmetic Skin & Laser Center locations in Traverse City and Petoskey, Michigan. Dr. Lo observes that thanks to new research findings and treatment techniques, regenerative medicine “is some of the most exciting stuff in medicine right now.”

“You’ve got every top research institution in (and out of) the country working on ways to bring youthful function back to our organs and tissues,” he says. “Everyone from Dr. Oz to Sanjay Gupta, MD is talking about regenerative medicine. And Tony Robbins just wrote a book on it.”

But what exactly is regenerative medicine, you might ask? “When we say ‘regenerative’ we’re usually talking healing your body by triggering production of new cells, or getting the old ones to behave like they’re young again.” Dr. Lo explains that many of our tissues stop making new cells “pretty early – like the twenties!” That means healing after injury or even maintaining normal body function becomes more difficult with each passing year.

But research has shown that the body can be stimulated to make new cells to repair old or damaged tissue, and that dormant cells can be “turned back on” to produce important materials that go missing with age. Dr. Lo says he made up the term “youthify” to describe such treatment. “Whether we’re treating your arthritis with PRF [platelet-rich fibrin] or PRP [platelet-rich plasma] or vaginal tissue with RF [radiofrequency energy], the idea is the same: stimulate those tissues to behave like they did when you were young. That means make more cells and make more cellular products.”

Continuing with the arthritis example, he says that 75% of patients have good or better results with platelet treatments. “We have patients who can walk and hike again. They wake up without pain. Patients cancel their surgeries.“RegenCen is located in Petoskey and Traverse City.

Click here to schedule your complimentary consultation at RegenCen.